Member-only story
Throw the Seats Off the Bus
By Dr. Kevin Gazzara and Dr. Murtuza Ali Lakhani
Who wouldn’t want Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Sachin Tendulkar, and the Williams sisters on their team? They are the superstar athletes of their game. But what would happen if Beckham were to play basketball, Jordan cricket, Woods football, Tendulkar tennis, and the Williams Sisters soccer? Would they perform at those sports as they do at the top of their games? Certainly not!
When we consider Jim Collins’ book with the Good-to-Great instruction of “getting the right people on the bus and the wrong people off the bus,” we overlook the fact that we could have the best of people in the bus but if they lack passion and strength for their jobs, we commit a sin as egregious as allowing the wrong people on the bus.
Would have Steve Jobs been effective in a bureaucratic organization? Would Bill Gates be an asset on a political team? No, and yet, these people are extraordinary heroes when they play in arenas where they’re passionate and strong.
The 3 Types of Passengers
The millions of “passengers” who board the proverbial bus daily fall into three categories: 1) Performers, 2) Posers, and 3) Paupers.
- Performers are the “right people on the bus,” and they fit well into the right seats…