7 Super Easy Ways To Create A Positive Organizational Work Culture

Dr. Kevin Gazzara
5 min readSep 8, 2017

Small and Smart Wins

Fierce competition and rivalry between organizations often foster a take-no-prisoners, high pressured work environment to drive financial success. However, extensive research on organizational behavior suggests the complete opposite. It reveals that having a tough, cutthroat work culture may be a successful short term strategy for for boosting workforce productivity but these short term improvements soon evaporate and then a negative impact on productivity is experienced.

According to the American Psychological Association, high pressured firms incur 50% greater costs in terms of healthcare expenditure than other firms. What is even more concerning is that almost 60–80% of workplace accidents happen due to stress, fatigue and tension. It is no secret that workplace stress leads to cardiovascular diseases and metabolic syndromes.

What HR professionals and members of top management should understand is that every employee is not an urgency addict. Meeting tight deadlines may increase the engagement rate for some employees, but it’s not normal and definitely not a great strategy to boost productivity of the work staff over a period of time especially over an extended period of time. Read more about this in the Harvard Business Review article…



Dr. Kevin Gazzara

CEO of Magna Leadership Solutions, Certified ICF &Positive Intelligence Coach, Management Expert, Professor, Speaker, Author. Contact: Kevin@Magnaleadership.com