6 Ways to Deal with Naysayers and Crush Your Goals

Dr. Kevin Gazzara
4 min readMay 3, 2023
Photo by: Sol Vazquez


Achieving one’s goals can be challenging enough, but dealing with naysayers can make the journey even more difficult. Naysayers can cast doubt on one’s abilities and goals. However, there are several ways to manage naysayers and remain focused on achieving one’s goals. According to Dale Carnegie in his book “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” putting distance between oneself and naysayers can help to avoid their negative influence. Continuously hearing their doubts and criticism can lead to self-doubt, making it challenging to move forward with one’s goals. If distancing oneself from the naysayers is not an option, having an honest conversation with them may help. As Daniel Goleman explains in his book “Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence,” politely explain that their discouragement is not welcome, and while their support is not required, their negativity is not helpful.

Strategy 1: Distance Yourself from the Negative

Putting distance between oneself and naysayers can help to avoid their negative influence. Continuously hearing their doubts and criticism can lead to self-doubt, making it challenging to move forward with one’s goals. If distancing oneself from naysayers is not an option, having an honest conversation with them may help. Politely explain that their discouragement is not welcome, and while their support is not required, their negativity is not helpful.

Strategy 2: Bolster Yourself with Support

Surrounding oneself with supportive individuals who believe in one’s goals can provide encouragement and reassurance. According to Adam Grant in his book “Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success,” supportive people can also provide help when times get tough, helping to maintain focus on one’s goals.

Strategy 3: No Justification Necessary

One does not need to justify their goals or the path they are taking to anyone. Each person is unique, and everyone’s journey is different. If someone questions one’s goals, a simple statement such as, “This is what I choose,” can suffice. As Sonja Lyubomirsky explains in her book “The How of Happiness: A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want,” it is important to remember that everyone’s path to success is different.

Strategy 4: Don’t Share

If someone is not supportive of one’s goals, avoid discussing the goals with that person. Talking about one’s goals with negative individuals can give them ammunition to create criticism and doubt. If they bring it up, actively divert the conversation. As Dale Carnegie notes in “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” it is important to avoid arguments with negative people, there is little to no upside.

Strategy 5: Turn Doubt into Motivation

Using doubt as motivation can be a powerful tool. Making a wager or setting a goal to prove naysayers wrong can provide the motivation needed to achieve one’s goals. Ultimately, one’s success is not dependent on what others think. As Goleman notes, having a clear goal in mind can help to maintain focus in the face of doubt.

Strategy 6: Embrace Solitude and Reflection

Taking the necessary time to reflect on one’s goals and progress can help recharge one’s motivation. This quiet time can also generate innovative ideas and solutions to problems. As Lyubomirsky explains, taking time to reflect on one’s progress can help one to recognize how far they have come and how much closer they are to achieving their goals.


Dealing with naysayers can be challenging, but it is possible to remain focused on one’s goals despite their negativity. By distancing oneself from negative individuals, seeking supportive people, avoiding justification of one’s goals, not sharing with negative people, using doubt as motivation, and taking time for reflection, one can maintain focus on their goals and achieve success.

Dr. Kevin Gazzara — is a senior partner and founder of Magna Leadership Solutions, based in Phoenix, Arizona. He is the co-author of “The Leader of OZ” www.leaderofoz.com and “Ready, Set, Get Hired”. He is an international speaker and recognized as a Management & Leadership Expert and an ICF and Positive Intelligence www.PQTrainingandCoaching.com certified Executive Coach. Kevin has been a professor at 6 Universities developing and teaching programs to help others achieve their full potential.

You can follow Kevin and Magna Leadership Solutions on our website: www.magnaleadership.com, on Twitter: https://twitter.com/doctorkevin, on our Facebook Fan Page at https://www.facebook.com/MagnaLeadership or join my LinkedIn Network https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevingazzara/

We would be excited to speak with you about your naysayer challenges. Please click here to connect with me: https://Magnaleadershipkevin.youcanbook.me

If you have any comments, suggestions, or ideas, we encourage you to share your thoughts with us and our readers in the comments below.

Thank you,
Dr. Kevin Gazzara
Senior Partner at Magna Leadership Solutions and Certified Positive Intelligence ICF Coach


Carnegie, D. (2010). How to win friends and influence people. Simon and Schuster.

Goleman, D. (2012). Focus: The hidden driver of excellence. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Grant, A. M. (2019). Give and take: A revolutionary approach to success. Penguin.

Lyubomirsky, S. (2013). The how of happiness: A scientific approach to getting the life you want. Penguin



Dr. Kevin Gazzara

CEO of Magna Leadership Solutions, Certified ICF &Positive Intelligence Coach, Management Expert, Professor, Speaker, Author. Contact: Kevin@Magnaleadership.com