5 Narcissist Knockout Tips To Win The Battle
In every workplace, there exist principal guiding ethics which make such an environment a multicultural gathering of enlightened minds. Thus, relationships in such a place should be devoid of social barriers. If each of us has distinct personal characteristics, how do you manage a narcissist manager?
We seem to relate well with superiors who respect and help us to grow. But, it’s a thorn in our side to become subordinates to a boss who seems to be off the chart in his or her emotional reactions or lacks the self-awareness to brag, disrespects, criticises, blames, rages at his subordinates without a sense of responsibility. And the world today seems to cultivate more of these A-holes.
If the above picture seems close to your experience under your boss, you are most likely working under a narcissistic boss.
What Are The Signs Of A Narcissistic Boss?
According to Teri Hockett, the CEO of What’s For Work, working with a narcissistic boss is like riding a wild roller coaster with a blindfold. The implication of this experience is that at one moment you can be the most-loved staff member and the next moment, you are responsible for all the losses and mistakes in the organization.
Forbes in its wisdom described such as leader as being outwardly charming but inwardly a snake…